What is JSF AV C++?
Developed by Lockheed Martin, Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle C++ (JSF AV C++) is a coding standard to guide C++ programmers in developing safe, reliable, testable, and maintainable code. While C++ is commonly used in safety-critical environments, it lacks a specific design for such scenarios. By adhering to the JSF coding standard, C++ becomes a safer language.
The standard primarily focuses on Air Vehicle (AV) code development in C++, but it is also recommended for non-Air Vehicle projects. It incorporates guidelines from the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) for C language usage in vehicle-based software, as well as the Vehicle Systems Safety Critical Coding Standards for C based on MISRA C subset.
JSF AV C++ expands on these guidelines by introducing specific rules for utilizing C++ language features, including inheritance, templates, and namespaces, in safety-critical environments. The standard emphasizes providing “safer” alternatives to “unsafe” practices, mitigating known issues associated with low-level features, and advocating the use of a “safer” subset of C++.
Code written in compliance with JSF AV C++ is reliable, portable, maintainable, testable, reusable, extensible, and readable.
Who uses JSF AV C++?
AV C++ has been developed primarily for C++ programmers involved in the development of Air Vehicle (AV) code. However, it is also recommended for non-Air Vehicle C++ development. AV C++ is likely to be utilized in industries such as aerospace, medical devices, defense, automotive, and any other sector where safety-critical systems are developed using C++ programming language.
How to comply with JSF AV C++?
To comply with JSF AV C++ you’ll need a powerful static analyzer. Our static analysis tool, QA-MISRA, ensures automated compliance with JSF AV C++ for safety-critical code as well as international coding guidelines, promoting software safety and security.
Start a free trial of QA-MISRA to evaluate your code against JSF AV C++ guidelines.

With QA-MISRA there are no hidden extras, coding language variants, or compliance module add-ons. It provides a single solution to automatically check your C or C++ source code for compliance against the most common international software safety and security standards.